
We currently have 70+ miles of biking trails, half of which are machine-built, single-track trails. They are open to the public from June 1st-November 1st. Our trails were built by avid bikers and continue to grow each year.
What You Should Know

We do allow Class 1 electric bikes, which are defined as pedal assist only, no throttle, with a max assisted speed of 20 mph.
One Wheels
We do not allow One Wheels, as our trails are not designed for them.
Important Notices
Mountain biking and entering the property at your own risk
We’re fortunate that New Hampshire has strong laws limiting landowner liability, which allows us to open up our property to be used by the public for recreational purposes. This is just a reminder that you enter this property at your own risk.You should enter this property with an understanding that mountain biking is a hazardous sport; please ride to your ability.
By entering this property, you accept the hazards and dangers of injury incident thereto, including negligence and carelessness on the part of others. Marked and unmarked dangers, such as rocks, roots, fallen trees, mud, sharp turns, bridges without railings, wildlife, dogs, horses, and other hazards exist. Falls and collisions are a part of mountain biking, and injuries may result.
We do not have trail guards or monitors and we do not perform an end of day sweep of the trails. In other words, this is wilderness property and we all have to be responsible for ourselves.
Maps: There are 24" by 36" map kiosks at most intersections. Click here to view our trail maps page.
Parking: There are a number of parking areas open for biking season. Click here to go to the parking page for more info and Google Maps locations. Please don’t park on town roads. Parking areas do close at dark.
Phones and Cell Service: There is virtually no cell service on the property. There is a phone and emergency equipment in the Small Barn next to the Barnhouse by Cummins Pond and phones in the Tiny House in the NH RT 118 Parking Lot.
Weather: Please don't ride on the trails if it's raining. The imprints left from tires cause damage to the trails.
Walking/Running: Walking and running is allowed on the trails. Please be cautious of bikers as they have the right of way.

Please, be mindful of these signs throughout the property. There are several buildings and trails that are not available for public use, please help us out by respecting these.
Please Note
Commercial Activities:
We do not charge anyone for the use of Green Woodlands property in any manner and we do not allow anyone else to charge for the use of our property either. This includes any other organizations whether they be profit, non-profit, group or individual that wants to do; tours, guides, lessons, training, equipment rentals, group activities, advertising or any other commercial, monetization or donation base use of Green Woodlands property.