About Us
Green Woodlands is a private, family-operated organization with a goal of preserving a small piece of nature for future generations. Through our foundation, we focus on wildlife management, supporting environmental research and education, historical conservation, and outdoor activities. Over the last 20 years we have aimed at creating a space that draws people into the fresh air. We believe there is so much to learn about the environment and appreciating what is all around us.

So what does that mean?
Here are some things we do!
Maintain trail systems used for hiking, mountain biking, and XC skiing
Host specific wilderness group training events
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Support ongoing wildlife research and education
Promote green building practices
Provide access to select trails for horseback riding, mushing, and snowmobiling
Building the trails is only the beginning. Maintaining their integrity is a year-round operation.

Ben and the Bears
The Kilham Bear Center is a wonderful organization that we support. They have done amazing things for the bear community in our area for many years. Through the center, we have learned so much about the activities of black bears living on our property.

We have had the pleasure of hosting several groups for different training purposes. The DMAT, or Disaster Medical Assistance Team, visits annually to do team building and educational exercises.
The Upper Valley Wilderness Response Team is another group that we welcome on our property to conduct search and rescue training.
The DHART (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Advanced Response Team) has also used Green Woodlands for teaching purposes. They've even flown in a helicopter onto our designated landing spot.
Also on our list is the New England K9 Search and Rescue. They have visited us and used the property to practice drills for locating lost and missing persons.
Horseback Riding
We love seeing these beautiful animals riding our trails. However, we do ask the following guidelines to be followed for the safety of your horses and other people:
Only ride on the double track trails which are 15-20 feet wide and avoid the single-track mountain biking trails
Walk your horse over or around all wooden bridges on the property
Use either the Lyme side lot or the Clough rd lot for parking, as these lots can accommodate trailers and are close to appropriate trails
Dogs on Trails
This is a controversial topic but assuming they are extremely well behaved with other dogs and skiers they can join you. If a dog does interfere with others, a skier may ask you to leash your dog. It is extremely difficult for a skier to avoid a dog while skiing down a high elevation ski trail so we would recommend not bringing dogs on the upper section of Smarts Mountain Trail or the upper section of Mudgett Trail.
The Barn House
If you've ever been to Green Woodlands you may recognize this building. But you may not know the story behind it. It was designed and built to demonstrate a completely off the grid concept with modern amenities. From the sustainable electric, heating and plumbing systems to the building material harvested from the property; every aspect of this "cabin" is truly Green.
Part of the culture of New Hampshire is hunting. In fact, the vast majority of hunters we run across in the woods seem to be extremely active and concerned with protecting the environment. We do allow ethical hunting according to the New Hampshire Fish and Game rules and regulations. Please remember that we do not allow motorized wheeled vehicles onto the property so if you do harvest a large game animal, you need to be prepared to get it off the property without a vehicle.
Please Note
Commercial Activities:
We do not charge anyone for the use of Green Woodlands property in any manner and we do not allow anyone else to charge for the use of our property either. This includes any other organizations whether they be profit, non-profit, group or individual that wants to do; tours, guides, lessons, training, equipment rentals, group activities, advertising or any other commercial, monetization or donation base use of Green Woodlands property.